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  1. Passing or Conditional Passing Grades (A to D)

Under normal and usual circumstances, all group members will receive a passing or conditional passing grade (might not be the same letter grade for all group members). If this grade is for IE 477, they will take IE 478 in the next semester working on the same project.

  1. Failing Grades (F, FX, FZ)

When are they granted?

F grade will be granted to groups/students with unsatisfactory progress during the semester[1].

FX grade will be granted to groups/students with unsatisfactory progress during the semester

AND any of the following:

    • groups not submitting the First Progress Report for IE 477 or Final Report for IE 478


    • students not attending Second Meeting with Course Coordinators for IE 477 or Fourth Meeting with Course Coordinators for IE 478 with no valid excuse[2]


    • groups not submitting their updated report if they received an Incomplete grade[3]

FZ grade will be granted in IE 477 or IE 478 to students with:

    • issues related to attendance to the periodic meetings with Academic Advisor and/or Industrial Advisor


    • issues related to contribution to the project


    • no group of seven members[4]


    • no project assigned


    • incorrect or incomplete part-time work or internship disclosure

Who is granted? Usually, the entire group will receive a failing grade but under some circumstances, only some group members may receive a failing grade.

What happens? See the table below for all possibilities:

Semester Course Letter Grade Members


What Happens?
Fall IE 477 F All If the company allows continuation of the project, all members will retake IE 477 in the spring semester working on the same project.

Otherwise, the project is terminated and all members will retake IE 477 or take GE 401 the next academic year working on a new project.

FX, FZ All Project is terminated.

All members will retake IE 477 or take GE 401 the next academic year working on a new project.

F, FX, FZ Some Members receiving this grade will retake IE 477 or take GE 401 the next academic year working on a new project.

Remaining members of the group will take IE 478 in the spring semester working on the same project.

Spring IE 477 F, FX, FZ All Project is terminated.

All members will retake IE 477 or take GE 401 the next academic year working on a new project.

Some Members receiving this grade will retake IE 477 or GE 401 the next academic year working on a new project.

Remaining members of the group will take IE 478 in the summer semester working on the same project.

IE 478 F All If the company allows continuation of the project, all members will retake IE 478 in the summer semester.

Otherwise, the project is terminated;

·         Eligible members may take Individual Study.

·         Other members will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.

FX All Project is terminated.

·         Eligible members may take Individual Study.

·         Other members will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.

FZ All Project is terminated.

All members will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.

F, FX Some Project is completed by other members.

·         Eligible members may take Individual Study

·         Other members will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.

FZ Some Project is completed by other members.

Members receiving this grade will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.

Summer IE 478 F, FX, FZ All/Some Project is terminated.

Members receiving this grade will do a new project or take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence the next academic year.


2.1 Replacing IE 477 – IE 478 with GE 401 – GE 402

Students with a failing grade or any passing/conditional passing grade B- or lower for IE 477 can take GE 401 – GE 402 sequence in the following academic year and can opt to replace their IE 477 grade with the letter grade they will receive for GE 401. Students with a passing grade B or higher for IE 477 may take GE 401 – GE 402, but they cannot opt to replace their IE 477 letter grade with the letter grade they will receive for GE 401 as this course can only be taken as an additional course to the curriculum.

2.3 Replacing IE 478 with Individual Study

IE 478 may be replaced with an Individual Study during the summer semester for students receiving an F or FX grade from IE 478 and for students with no other curriculum requirement is left for graduation. In this case, the project is either completed by other members of the group or terminated in the previous spring semester. The students taking Individual Study will be assigned a new project.

  1. Incomplete Grade

When is it granted? This grade is given if the Academic Advisor and Course Coordinators believe the project still needs more work on the required components. Of course, the additional work and the time limitation for converting this grade to a regular grade should be compatible. The decision on the grade is usually made right after the Second Meeting with Course Coordinators for IE 477 or the Fourth Meeting with Course Coordinators for IE 478.

Who is granted? Usually, the entire group will receive this grade but under some circumstances, only the group members responsible for the missing components may receive this grade.

What happens? Upon completing the missing components within the time allotted by the course coordinators, members receiving the incomplete grade will submit the updated version of their First Progress Report for IE 477 or Final Report for IE 478. If the course coordinators find the additional work satisfactory, the incomplete grade will be resolved to a passing or conditional passing grade. Otherwise, they will receive a failing grade. If the members receiving the incomplete grade does not submit any additional work, they will receive an FX.

[1] Students may also receive letter grade F if they do not follow the additional requirements announced to them in the beginning of the semester.

[2] Students must consult to their Course Coordinator in advance.

[3] See Section 3 for details on Incomplete Grade.

[4] Groups with fewer than seven students can only be allowed if the number of students taking the course in the first week’s meeting is not divisible by seven. The coordinators will announce the number groups with members less than seven students and the corresponding group sizes permitted in this meeting.