
Text-Books of the related courses and online resources


  • Text Book: Montgomery, D.C., C. L. Jennings, and M. Kulahci (2011), Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Text Book: Hyndman, R. J. and G. Athanasopoulos (2018). Forecasting: principles and practice, 3rd edition, Otexts (online available, has R packages fpp3 for data sets and fable for illustrations)
  • R package fable (forecast package developed earlier by the same team has now retired in favor of this new more talented package.)

Inventory: Inventory and Production Management in Supply Chains by Silver et al, 2017

Production Planning: Many text-books at the library, some descriptive, some quantitative – Text Book: Factory Physics by Hopp and Spearman, 2011

Scheduling: Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services by Pinedo, 2009

Warehousing: Warehouse and Distribution Science by Bartholdi and Hackman, 2014



Strunk, William & E. B. White (2000), Elements of Style, 4th edition, Longman (online reachable through Bilkent library)


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