Broccoli Project

Deadline: March 3rd 23.59


  • When writing your reports, please include an Executive Summary of your results. The executive summary should be at most 2 pages long.
  • Please include explanations of your solution methods. Explain parameters, decision variables, objective function(s) and constraint(s) explicitly.  Explain every assumption you make and the process of obtaining your results.
  • Include an analysis of the results you obtained.

Send to:

  • E-mail your report and your code as a zip file to Gizem İkizler. Name your zip file using the following format: “GroupX_BroccoliProject”.

Peer Evaluation

Please note that your project will not be evaluated unless you complete peer evaluation. Fill out and send this form to Gizem İkizler by April 3rd, 2024.

Form: Peer evaluation form for the Broccoli project