IE 299 requires a minimum of 20 consecutive business days must be spent in a manufacturing or service organization. IE 299 students are asked to write a report. It is highly recommended that the student should try to spend certain amount of time at and observe as many of the departments of the company as possible. Obtaining an overall view of the organization is more in the spirit of this course than concentrating your efforts on a single department, even if this department is the industrial engineering department of the company. Please note that you can also choose a service organization for your IE 299 internship. There is no strict need for you to find a manufacturing organization for this internship.
IE 399 requires a minimum of 20 consecutive business days spent in an organization where students can analyze and utilize industrial engineering and/or operations research principles. Role as an intern in this course is more flexible compared to IE 299. Students should try to approach problems with an engineering perspective.
The prerequisite courses for IE 299 are IE 272 or IE 271. The only prerequisite for the course IE 399 is IE 299. A “satisfactory” (S) grade in these courses require the satisfactory performance in both of the following two requirements:
- The work done for the company, to be evaluated by the officials of the company and reported in the form: “Staj Değerlendirme Formu”. (It is the student’s responsibility to have the company officials return the form directly to the Dean’s Office as soon as possible after the completion of the summer training but no later than the last day of the classes in the Fall Semester. If the form is not received by the Dean’s Office by this deadline, the student will receive an “unsatisfactory” (U) grade.)
- The report of the summer training, to be evaluated by a faculty member of the Department. (The reports will be due in the first month of the Fall Semester. Exact date is to be announced. Any report not submitted by the announced deadline will receive an “unsatisfactory” (U) grade.) The students who have received an “unsatisfactory” (U) grade will have to repeat the summer training during the following summer registering again for the course in Fall semester. These students will not be allowed to register for IE 299/399 routinely during the Spring semester. Special permission may be granted only under exceptional circumstances requiring the Chair’s approval. Style, format, organization, and the overall content of the reports are all important in the evaluation process. The main emphasis in the reports should be on intelligently observing the system as a whole, the components of this system, and the interaction among these components with an IE perspective.
The report is expected to be an engineering report, where appropriate wording, intelligent and economic use of space is a must. Students are discouraged from “borrowing” material directly from textbooks and use unnecessary “filler” material, especially in the appendices.
Reports should be written using the templates provided on the Documents page. You should apply the margins of this document and obey all rules stated. The reports (in English) should be written in a clear, professionally sound language and should be free of spelling mistakes. Several spell checkers are available both for Unix and PC environments.
Other sources on oral and written communication skills are